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Our Purpose

See Share Create Celebrate CollageThere are several objectives we hope to address and achieve through The Surviving Spirit:

To promote Hope, Healing and Help for those impacted by trauma, abuse or mental health concerns through the use of the creative arts, a speakers’ bureau, newsletter, website, brochure, retail gallery, coffeehouse, media center and more.

Please note that we refer to trauma, abuse and mental health concerns throughout our website, literature & events, etc. These three major health problems cover a wide variety of issues and we want to reach out to those who have known that pain and suffering. We want to extend our invite to their loved ones, friends, co-workers and to the greater public to help create awareness on how those health issues affect all of us.

To help promote, market and sell the creative works of those affected by trauma, abuse and mental health concerns at fair market prices. It is hard enough to make a living as a professional artist, musician, author, etc, but when someone has to deal with the above mentioned health issues, that creates even more problems to contend with in trying to pursue your muse.

By offering workshops, events and mentoring, we hope to help creative individuals learn the necessary business skills that are needed for promoting their creative works. For those professionals already in the marketplace, we want to be able to help you reach a larger audience.

To offer healing arts workshops, training, classes and events that teach creative crafts and skills to others just for the joy and the fun of learning something new. This will encompass music, art, writing, poetry, crafts, yoga, reiki and so much more.

Studies show that one in four females will be sexually assaulted before the age of eighteen and for males it is one in six; though many think that number may be higher, but most males will not report or talk about their abuse.

Studies also show that one in five people have dealt with a mental health concern… yet two thirds of them will not seek treatment or help due to the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness, trauma and abuse.

The Surviving Spirit wants to help be a part of the change in eliminating the fears, myths, and false beliefs that surround trauma, abuse, & mental health concerns. The media will always cover the story of someone labeled mentally ill who commits a violent crime and yet they only represent a tiny percentage of the population, unfortunately they receive the most headlines. The Surviving Spirit will show the other side of that equation with stories of hope, courage and perseverance from the gifted and talented people we work with, who by their example break down those old fears, false beliefs and myths that surround mental illness.

Trauma & Abuse comes in many forms — military veterans grapple with this, victims of crime, those who have struggled with a life-threatening illness or injury such as cancer, diabetes, brain injury, car accident, physical impairment and so much more are just a partial listing of serious health concerns that people struggle with. And yet, they show by their example, Hope, Healing, & Help. The Surviving Spirit wants to display and share their stories, music, art, crafts and more that shows their great courage and perseverance.

Further information that outlines our purpose, goals and mission can be found throughout our website and literature in more detail by visiting the rest of the website.